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Auctions Live Fee Schedule FAQs

  • Auctions Live Fee schedule FAQs

Welcome to Auctions Live Fee Schedule Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page, dedicated to addressing your queries regarding our fee structure in accordance with our Subscriber Terms and Conditions. Auctions Live provides a wide range of services spanning the pre-auction, live auction, and post-auction phases. Please keep in mind that all our services incur operational costs, whether or not a Listing ultimately goes to Auction. Much like real estate portals that charge a fee for listing properties online, Auctions Live levies a fee when an auction type is assigned, which reflects the actual expenses incurred in delivering this service.

  1. Does my office incur a fee automatically when a Listing is imported from our CRM?

    No, your office is only charged once a Listing is assigned an auction type.

  2. Does my office incur an automatic fee when manually creating a Listing?

    No, your office is only charged once a Listing is assigned an auction type.

  3. Is my office obligated to pay Auctions Live if a Listing is sold prior to auction or is withdrawn?

    Yes, once a Listing is assigned an auction type, it becomes subject to charges in line with our Subscriber Terms and Conditions.

  4. Do we still face a charge if the Listing sells before the scheduled auction date, or is it only applicable when we conduct the auction for the Listing?

    Yes, once a Listing is assigned an auction type, it is subject to charges as outlined in our Subscriber Terms and Conditions.

  5. If our office conducts an auction and the Listing is Passed In, and we re-run the auction, will we incur an additional fee?

    Yes, as a Raw Duplicate Listing will need to be created and assigned an auction type, it is chargeable as per our Subscriber Terms and Conditions.

  6. Auction Postponement Fees

    • Will my office still be charged a fee if an auction is postponed?

      Yes, there are charges associated with a postponed auctions.

    • What happens if an auction is postponed within Auctions Live?

      If an auction is postponed within Auctions Live, and a new auction date is scheduled to occur within 90 days of the original auction date, you will only be charged for the latest scheduled auction on the following month's invoice.

    • What if the postponed Listing is not auctioned within the 90-day period?

      If the postponed Listing is not auctioned within the 90-day period, your office will incur the full auction fee at the end of this period.

  7. If our office has assigned an auction type to a Listing but never published it within Auctions Live, will we still be charged a fee?

    Yes, if a Listing is assigned an auction type, fees will be applicable, irrespective of its publication status.

  8. If our office wishes to add additional listings to an in-room Order of Sale that have already been sold, are we required to pay a fee?

    Yes, standard fees will apply in accordance with our Subscriber Terms and Conditions and your Fee Pricing Schedule.

  9. What is the cost of duplicating a Listing in Auctions Live if it already has an assigned auction type?

    There are three ways in which you can duplicate a Listing, each with its own associated fee:

    1. Duplicated with sold price: This incurs a fee of 25% of the Auction Pricing Schedule, Auction Type Fee.

    2. Duplicated with sold price & status: This incurs a fee of 25% of the Auction Pricing Schedule, Auction Type Fee.

    3. Raw Duplicate: This incurs a fee of 100% of the Auction Pricing Schedule, Auction Type Fee.

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